Our Shoot the Curl app will serve as a tropical trip planner geared towards surfers - covering all of the bases you need to enjoy and/or plan your next beach trip. It will be as simple as entering a desirable location and provide you with local weather data including wave heights and information on nearby, affordable bars and restaurants.

"TrainTime" is an immersive train scheduling app built with Firebase, jQuery, MomentJS and Bootstrap that features a gossamer-like responsive interface, engaging rotating background images and real locomotive sound effects. Enjoy the ride.

GiphTastic! is an Engaging, Cartoon-Themed Search Page Powered by the Giphy API & Ajax. Like Cats or Dogs? Enter any keyword you can think of in the search field and you'll soon be swimming in Giphy's related to your topic.

"Clicky Game" with a "South Park" Theme. *****NOTICE: This project is still in production. Release date and deployment is scheduled for February 13, 2018.

"Red Carpet" alloes you to create and manage your own personal list of award winning (and nominated films), with reviews, a watched list,personal ratings, a link to purchase on Amazon and a link to Tweet your personal review. Red Carpet is the perfect tool for your elitist movie-watching needs!

"Workout Planner" is a Full Stack exercise logger built with MySQL, Node, Express, Handlebars and ORM. You can enter the exercises you plan to do, then "check them off" to the completed list as they are completed. Be sure to checkout the MVC design pattern below. It is a "reimagining" of the classic "Eat-da-Burger" app.

LIRI-Bot is like iPhone's SIRI, however, while SIRI is a Speech Interpretation and Recognition Interface, LIRI is a Language Interpretation and Recognition Interface. LIRI is be a command line (CLI) Node app that takes in one of four parameters and returns the relative data.

Command-Line Interface (CLI) Hangman Game built with NODE.js along with Prompt and Inquirer NPM's. Styled with Chalk and Figlet NPM's and given a Presidential Theme. Guess the Name of the POTUS! To begin, at the command prompt, type node hangman.js. Good Luck!

Bamazon is an Amazon-like CLI storefront built with mySQL, NODE.js and Inquirer NPM. Output styled with Colors and console.table NPM's. The app can take in orders from customers, calculate sales price and deplete stock from the store's inventory. Schema.sql and Seed.sql files have been included for database creation ranging in size from 15 to 100+ whimsical products.

A simple Web Scraper using Mongoose, MongoDB and Handlebars.

Check Back Soon!

"FriendFinder" is a compatibility-based application -- basically a dating app; but in this case I have given the project a "Walking Dead" theme and designed whimsical questions for finding a compatible friend in the TV world of a zombie apocolypse. This full-stack app will take in results from users' surveys, then compares the answers with those imagined from the cast of the hit AMC TV series, as well as with previous users.