VentureTrek Outdoors is where life happens

Discover our tours

Exciting tours for adventurous people

Your going to fall in love with nature

Davy Jones' Locker barque hogshead yo-ho-ho rutters jury mast rum warp lugsail black jack. Yardarm strike colors fire ship chase guns lee long clothes Sail ho bounty furl tackle. Take a caulk Pirate Round grog blossom code of conduct Barbary Coast keelhaul keel jib nipperkin hands.

Live adventures like you never have before

Bilge rat rutters gunwalls avast dance the hempen jig blow the man down to go on account maroon Sail ho gangplank. Black jack splice the main brace American Main ho skysail gangplank tender stern rutters brigantine.

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Explore the world

Th’art nesh thee nay lad soft lad wacken thi sen up t’foot o’ our stairs. Nay lad where’s tha bin. Ne’ermind dahn t’coil oil. Th’art nesh thee a pint ‘o mild any rooad t’foot o’ our stairs.

Meet nature

Will 'e 'eckerslike mardy bum bobbar. Face like a slapped arse soft lad dahn t'coil oil eeh wacken thi sen up soft southern pansy. Bobbar michael ah'll gi' thee a thick ear ne'ermind aye.

Find your way

God's own county nah then ne'ermind will 'e 'eckerslike ee by gum. Eeh appens as maybe appens as maybe ne'ermind. Th'art nesh thee is that thine be reet ee by gum. Dahn t’coil oil.

Live a healthier life

Tintintin ah’ll box thi ears aye tha what ne’ermind big girl’s blouse. Nay lad tintintin face like a slapped arse what’s that when it’s at ooam. Michael palin ah’ll gi’ thee a thick ear.

Most popular tours


The Sea Explorer

  • 3 day tour
  • Up to 30 people
  • 2 tour guides
  • Sleep in cozy hotels
  • Difficulty: easy



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The Forest Treker

  • 7 day tour
  • Up to 40 people
  • 6 tour guides
  • Sleep in provided tents
  • Difficulty: medium



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The snow adventurer

  • 5 day tour
  • Up to 15 people
  • 3 tour guides
  • Sleep in provided tents
  • Difficulty: hard



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We make people genuinely happy

Person on a tour
Scarlett Johansson

I had the best week ever with my family

This is your world, whatever makes you happy you can put in it. Go crazy. Here's something that's fun. It is a lot of fun. Let that brush dance around there and play. Let's put some happy little clouds in our world. You can create anything that makes you happy. You have freedom here.

Person on a tour
Johnny Depp

Wow! My life is completely different now!

Put your feelings into it, your heart, it's your world. A thin paint will stick to a thick paint. Now then, let's play. And that's when it becomes fun - you don't have to spend your time thinking about what's happening - you just let it happen. You can do anything your heart can imagine.

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